Do you have ideas for Service-Learning projects with your students? Would you like to share your ideas with our community and get more inspiration from other schools and organisations?

We would like to select the most creative ideas and feature them on our website. We are particularly interested in your ideas for cross-border Service-Learning projects and projects that strengthen the democratic competences of your students.

What is in it for you? We will invite one idea and its representative for an individual coaching and will support your travel costs to another European school to plan a cross-border project with up to 600 Euros (in the period between June and November 2024). 

Who is eligible to apply? Teachers and educators from schools or institutions who want to implement a Service-Learning project. The project should have a thematic connection to Europe (preferably a cross-border project) and should focus on democratic competences that your students learn through the project.

How can you apply? Please submit the following form by May 25 June 21, 2024. Thank you!
The process is simple and will take only about 20-30 minutes.

We are looking forward to learning from your ideas!

Learn more about our initiative, “Service-Learning for Democracy in Europe: Supporting Teachers in Applying Democratic Competence Models”, on our SLEAD website.

(In close alignment with the Council of Europe’s ‘Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture’ (Council of Europe, 2018); Mauz/Gloe 2021″)